MayMay 日記

If you can dream it, you can do it!!! 只要有夢想,凡事可成真

Monday, August 21, 2006

Iowa State Fair

12 Aug. 2006

We went to the Iowa State Fair today!!! There are six of us: Shawn, Angie (Shawn's friend), Wing, Louris, and Joe. It is a very big event, and we saw a lot of hourses, cows, and sheeps were in the competition. Even though we don't really know what to look for in them. They also have lots of different kind of food, like Turkey Leg, funnel cake, hot dogs etc.

Look at all these huge machine!!Big Monkey!!


Ruby & Semi --- Does this picture look familiar?!


At 7:47 AM, Blogger Semi said...



At 4:44 AM, Blogger ??Winwin said...

Angie is my classmate and i will back soon. maymay


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